
WhatsApp Broadcast List

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WhatsApp Broadcast List

Don’t miss out on what is going on at the Chilterns Neuro Centre. If you’d like to stay up-to-date on our latest news and events then sign up to our WhatsApp Broadcast List.

A broadcast list is different to a group in that you cannot see the names of anyone else on the list, nor can you see other people’s responses. You will still be able to reply, but it will be a one-to-one conversation with the Centre.

What is the advantage of the Broadcast List? It means you can stay up-date with the Centre as and when news happens, not at the timing of an algorithm which may or may not show you are content at a time that suits it. This can be particularly helpful when putting out urgent messages.

If you would like to be included on this list, just follow these two simple steps:

  1. Send a WhatsApp message which includes your name to 07842 244958.
  2. Save 07842 244958 in your contacts (note that you must do this in order to receive messages).

Image of someone looking at a smartphone screen which is displaying the WhatsApp app.