
Exercise Classes

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Exercise is good for everyone and we encourage anyone with a neurological condition to increase the amount of exercise they do, even if it’s just by a small amount each week. Even a few minutes of activity each day can have a very positive impact on your symptoms.

Our classes are a great introduction to the Centre for those who may not want or need to have one-to-one treatment or additional support at this time. Our exercise therapists understand how the body can be affected by neurological conditions and the classes are tailored to suit different abilities and symptoms.

We have a mix of classes per week to suit all different ability levels. No matter how much or how little movement you have, there will be a class that you can benefit from:

General Exercise Class
This class is aimed at members of all abilities, this class will help build strength in the body and encourage mobility in limbs. The class will range from cardio exercises, strength work all the way through to targeting specific movements in limbs. Every class is different and never the same exercises. Be ready for your whole body to be worked.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Class
There are two strands to this class, one aimed at members who can exercise standing and the other sitting. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. You will take part in a class where you will work for 30 seconds then 30 seconds active rest, for 30 minutes. This class will get your heart pumping, sweat dripping but endorphins racing.

Low Impact Mobility (LIM) Class
This class is aimed at members who are beginning to exercise and/or are looking for a calm environment to move in. This class will help with improving or maintaining mobility in joints while keeping things functional in a slow, controlled and calm setting. It’s perfect for all abilities in person or at home.

Rehabilitation Class
This class will give you time to focus on specific parts of your body to help with your day-to-day mobility. Each week you will learn specific exercises targeted on different joints and generic pains. Classes could be to help with discomfort in your lower back through to hand and foot function. Each week will target different aspects of physical rehabilitation to help you maintain strength and mobility.

Standing Balance Class
This class targets members who are able to stand and walk but need help with their balance. In this class we will strengthen muscles and limbs key to successful and safe standing.

Standing Strength Class
This Is a slower-paced class focusing on building full body strength. In this class you will be using free weights, improving your ability to get on and off the floor and help maintain your physical strength. This will make your limbs feel like they have had a good work out.

Check out the live calendar to see when classes are running, and sign up to our WhatsApp channel to be advised directly of late changes.

Book by emailing appointments@chilternsneurocentre.org including your phone number.

You can also watch some of our classes on our YouTube channel. We also have a range of exercise videos on our Home Exercise page.


According to NICE (National Institute for Health & Care Excellence), remaining physically active can improve mobility and fatigue. It can also help to reduce the secondary complications of inactivity, such as pressure sores, and help people with neurological conditions to regain or maintain their strength.

  • Promotes an active lifestyle
  • Improves quality of life
  • Improves and maintains mobility
  • Improves general health and well-being
  • Assists in restoring range of motion
  • Restores/improves muscular strength, power and endurance
  • Improves skeletal muscle function and overall body function
  • Reduces fatigue
  • Improves Cardiovascular function
  • Plus it can be social & fun!