
A chance encounter leads to a new hope

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A chance encounter leads to a new hope

Sven Kuster originally came across the Chilterns Neuro Centre by chance and has since become a huge advocate for the wonderful staff, beneficial programmes, encouragement and support he receives.

Although only properly diagnosed in my late forties, looking back, I’d probably been suffering from MS since I was about 26. I’d worked in an active role for the council and was fit and sporty, walking the dog every day, coaching my son’s football team and also playing five-a-side.

Prior to my diagnosis, I’d been experiencing a variety of symptoms including pain in my toes and feet, which eventually meant I had to give up my beloved football. Problems with my eyesight and unsteadiness also resulted in a few falls and it was only when I received my MS diagnosis that I was able to make sense of these symptoms.

I was recommended the Centre by a complete stranger at a craft fair! I’d called in, with my wife, to a local fair while on the way to view a house in Wendover and got chatting to someone there whose sister was a member of the Centre so encouraged me to check it out. I took their advice and four months later we’d moved into our new house and I began attending the Centre shortly after.

At the Centre, I’m taking full advantage of all the classes on offer. Once I’d joined I had a course of physiotherapy and attended a series of workshops on Falls Prevention.

I’ve since had acupuncture sessions and more recently some hydrotherapy. On top of all that, to improve my strength and balance, I take part in daily exercise classes either in person or via Zoom which really has made a difference, giving me far more confidence in myself when I’m moving around.

I have nothing but praise for the Centre staff and was especially grateful when I received some urgent acupuncture and physio following a trapped nerve.

The Falls Prevention course proved to be invaluable. As well as practical skills such as how to get up from a fall, I have learnt how to reduce my risk of having a fall by making simple changes to my home.

The advice I received included removing clutter, wearing well-fitting shoes rather than socks to avoid slipping on floors, ensuring hallways and staircases are well-lit and rearranging my home to provide clear pathways and lessen climbing, bending and stretching too much.

Before coming to the Centre I felt lost and didn’t have contact with any other people with MS. I now have so much more confidence when talking about my MS. I have made good friends who can truly understand and support me. Spending time with family and friends has always been a priority for me and, although I have lost a certain amount of independence, particularly being slightly restricted in what I can do and where I can go, I still hope to be able to travel sometime in the future.

From originally having the Centre recommended to me, I am now the one recommending the Centre to others. My advice for anyone thinking about coming to the Centre is don’t wait. Go for it! The staff are really great and always make time for you and you’ll meet some wonderful people.

If you have MS, or Parkinson’s or experienced a stroke, and feel you would benefit from the services offered by the Centre, or you know someone who would, then please get in touch by phoning 01296 696133 or by emailing info@chilternsneurocentre.org