
Stocks Golf Day Gallery

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Gallery of images from Stocks Golf Day 2024

Our annual Stocks Golf Day took place on Friday 7 June and what a fantastic day it was. Thank you to all our amazing golfers for showing us such wonderful support.

Well done to all our winners, including our winning team, ‘2 Gunners 2 Cannons’, led by team captain and individual winner, James Lawton.

A special thank you to our event sponsor EIC Insurance, for their continued support.

Check out the photo gallery below and if you would like a higher resolution version of any of these photos, or if you are one of the winners and would like your presentation photo then please email communications@chilternsneurocentre.org

If you would like to pre-register for Stocks Golf Day 2025, taking place on Friday 6 June 2025, and be the first to find out when registration opens, please complete the linked form.

Photo Gallery