
Creating a positive ripple effect

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Creating a positive ripple effect

The Centre is there for its members and their families and carers

I am sure that I’m not the only one who leaves a session at the Chilterns Neuro Centre with a new spring in their step (sometimes only metaphorically), writes Nick Hayward-Cook, a member of the Centre for several years.

Smiling man standing in fron of a large white metal chamber. The panel on the chamber contains a series of dials and and levers.I attend the Oxygen Chamber on a regular basis and have been doing so for almost eight years. Heaven knows what I would do without it as it certainly helps me with my fatigue and mental sharpness.

You can imagine the positive ripple effect that has on my family and friends as together we can concentrate on living our best lives, simply as the person we are and not ‘that person with MS’.

The Centre is not only a place where the clinical team and its army of volunteers can help ease the pain and discomfort of these cursed diseases, but it also serves as a vital refuge. It is a place where members like me can meet and share experiences which we would probably not do elsewhere.

Being in the same ‘boat’ and exchanging ideas not only about MS (Parkinson’s, cancer, etc) but also about other wide-ranging subjects is therapeutic in itself. I find this aspect of the Centre so very rewarding. Also, for those living alone, a session at the Centre and meeting others can be a wonderful life-line. The positivity, the laughs, thoughts about new and emerging therapies can so often lead to a new sense of hope and wellbeing.

Why do I donate

The demands on most charities, if not all, are growing.  So why should you choose the Chilterns Neuro Centre as one of your preferred charities?

On a personal note, before I retired, I ran a consultancy which represented occupiers of commercial property. The goal was to help our clients avoid committing to property leases, space and associated costs they couldn’t really afford. As part of our portfolio we advised some 20 or so charities. What we saw from the inside was generally heart-breaking. Money, primarily from donations was poorly spent.

Today, all well-run charities recognise they are in fact businesses and should be operated on proper commercial grounds. The Chilterns MS Charity is one such example.

But what does this mean for us?

For me, and many others, it is crucial we support the Centre’s excellent work. If you’d like to consider a donation to the Centre then please visit the donation page and follow the simple steps. Thank you.