
Wellbeing Appeal 2024

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Wellbeing Appeal 2024

Could counselling save lives? Or a session in our Wild Art Group? It sounds a bit extreme perhaps, but our services have such a huge impact on our member’s mental health that the word lifesaving comes up time and time again when people talk about their experience here.

This is why we are asking for your support with our 2024 Wellbeing Appeal. Please help us continue to invest in these services that can mean the difference between someone simply existing and someone living their life to the full.

Even better, thanks to the generosity of a local family trust, all donations will be match funded. £1 becomes £2 at no extra cost to you, or £2.25 if we can claim Gift Aid.

Please help us reach our target of £10,000!

What impact will your donation have? Check out the video below featuring some of our members and our Occupational Therapist, Wendy Valentine, as they describes the incredible difference the Centre makes to the lives of people affected by MS, Parkinson’s and strokes, empowering them to live life to the full.

We know the cost of living crisis is affecting so many people right now but thanks to the generosity of a local family trust, there has never been a better time to donate to the Centre. All donations up to a total value of £30,000 being match-funded will double the impact of your donation. Your generosity will make an even bigger difference.

Please donate using the form below.

Thank you.

Appeal Update

0 Number of Donors
£0 Total Donations

The counters above will be updated every weekday morning.

How do you look after your wellbeing?

Please support the appeal by sharing it on social media. Create a short video saying how you look after your wellbeing and tag two friends. Don’t forget to tag the Centre too!


Hear from some of our members explaining what the Centre means to them.

Check out the videos below from some of our team at the Centre saying how they look after their wellbeing.