
For Carers and Families

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Carers and Family Members

We know that neurological conditions don’t just affect the person living with it; it affects the whole family too.  It is important that loved ones are also given the support they need to adjust to life living with and caring for someone with MS, Parkinson’s or who has experienced a stroke. You may not consider yourself as a carer, but simply as a husband, wife, child, parent or close friend.  You may not be paid for it, but giving regular support to someone, enables you to have support from the Centre as well.

As a family member or close friend, your wellbeing is just as important, especially if your loved one relies on you for their regular care.  That’s why we offer many of our services to you as well.

As a Carer Member we can offer you:

Therapeutic Leisure

We would like to invite you to attend our therapeutic leisure groups which have been designed for people with neurological conditions and their carers/family members:

You can see which groups are when by accessing our Centre Timetable.

Carers’ Workshops

The Centre runs a series of free workshops on a monthly basis specifically for carers and family members. The workshops will be informal, with time for tea and coffee and a chat, before a half hour presentation and question and answer session. The workshops will be as interactive as possible.

You can find further information on each of the upcoming workshops by visiting our Centre Timetable.

The workshops will be informal, with time for tea and coffee and a chat, before the presentation and question and answer session. The workshops will be as interactive as possible.



There is a qualified counsellor available at the Centre. Counselling is a talking therapy that involves a qualified therapist listening to you and helping you find ways to deal with emotional issues.

Complementary Therapies

Complementary therapies offer a different approach to conventional or mainstream medicine. They include therapies that aren’t usually part of conventional medical care, such as yoga.

There are several complementary therapies available at Centre. These include:

  • Yoga
  • Exercise classes

Please contact Wendy Valentine, Occupational Therapist, for further information or to book any of the therapies or social events:

WendyValentine@chilternsneurocentre.org or phone 01296 696133

How to become a member

Family and carers can become members without the need for a referral, at any time, as long as the person they care for is a member.

You are more than welcome to chat with us about what we offer – simply call us or complete the membership enquiry form on this page.

Membership is just £25 per year.

Whilst we don’t make an additional charge for any of our treatments, classes or workshops, we do encourage people to make a regular donation if they can.  Receiving these treatments privately would be very costly, but asking for donations enables everyone to have access to the treatment and support they need.