Catherine Golds, member of the Centre and former Chair of Trustees, writes about Make a Will Month and why planning to leave a legacy to the Centre is important to her.
New Patient or Recently Diagnosed
Recently diagnosed or new to the Centre?
We know that receiving a diagnosis may be scary and you might not feel like you need any treatment or support at this time. However, studies have shown that early intervention can help to minimise the effects of some symptoms and can enable you to manage them so that you can continue everyday life as fully and as normally as possible.
We can help you on several levels; practically, emotionally and socially. We can help to answer some of the many questions that you will have and can provide the opportunity to meet people in similar situations in our friendly setting, to share experiences or hear how others cope with their neurological condition. Even if you don’t feel ill or you are concerned that you may be taking up an appointment that someone else is in greater need of you can still contact us as we offer support no matter where you are on your journey.
As well as those living with neurological conditions, we also support family members and carers who are also affected by it, helping them to adjust and ensuring that their wellbeing is also considered.
Benefits of becoming a member
Whether you have MS, Parkinson’s or experienced a stroke yourself, or you are a family member or carer of someone who has, everyone is welcome to become a member of the Centre. Becoming a member offers you:
- Fast access to our services and support 51 weeks of the year.
- Advice and signposting to additional support services
- A friendly place (online) to come and meet others in a similar situation
Membership is just £25 per year
Whilst we don’t make an additional charge for any of our treatments, classes or workshops, we do encourage people to make a regular donation if they can. Receiving these treatments privately would be very costly, but by asking for donations this enables everyone with MS, Parkinson’s and stroke survivors to have access to the treatment and support they need.
How to become a member?
To become a member ask your GP, Nurse or Neurologist to refer you to the Centre. Once we receive your referral we will contact you to invite you for the assessment. Assessment appointments are normally offered within 2-4 weeks of receiving a referral. We have a range of appointment times available, between 9am and 5pm.
Treatment can start within a few weeks following your assessment so the process is very quick. During your assessment we will talk to you about your symptoms and your goals, and assess the best course of treatment or support for you at that time. You can then become a member and access all of our services, workshops, social groups and advice.
You will be given a bespoke treatment plan and may be referred to some of our services such as physio, oxygen, counselling, occupational therapy, speech & language therapy or complementary therapy. You can also attend any of our online workshops or online social groups.
Family and carers can become members too, without the need for a referral, as long as the person with a neurological condition has also become a member of the Centre.
You are more than welcome to chat to us about what we offer – fill the Request a Call Back form on this page.
Members Stories
From diagnosis to determination

Andrew Scott tells about how his life changed in unexpected ways following his MS diagnosis but he is confident he will receive the best support and treatment possible from the Chilterns Neuro Centre, both now and in the future.
A chance encounter leads to a new hope

Sven Kuster originally came across the Chilterns Neuro Centre by chance and has since become a huge advocate for the wonderful staff, beneficial programmes, encouragement and support he receives.
Getting in control of exercise

Leigh Gordine considers himself lucky to have found the Chilterns Neuro Centre so soon after his MS diagnosis. Read more of his story to find out how Pilates has helped him to live life to the full!