Buildings and Cities in Straggly Lines
Gabby and I are excited about this new art challenge as it is in the style of an artist whose workshop we planned to attend in October. Sadly, it has been cancelled but we thought you may like the art style too as it lends itself to many different mediums and interpretations. Enjoy and play!
For this theme, your inspiration could be anything from a favourite place or your home – to a garden shed or tumbled farm building. A building adds a human touch to a painting and can easily be interpreted into more abstract pieces using various medium.
Please look at the attached pages, as they show our suggested artists and ideas to get you started, while Gabby and I get some ideas flowing. Xx
1. Download the examples of suggested artists, methods and photographs to get you started.
Pete Monaghan – much of his work is based on buildings which appear messy and untidy. He combines drawing with painting, abstraction with figuration and control whilst also letting go – using acrylics, collage, inks, crayons and spray paints. His blog is called “Straggly Lines”.
Caroline Bailey is another contemporary artist who includes buildings to emphasise human activity in her landscapes and sea scenes. Her work is wonderfully colourful and is sure to make you smile! She uses acrylic, watercolours and mixed media shapes in layers to create textured effects.
2. You can start by sketching some simple building shapes or places – using pencil/charcoal/ink. Emphasise the different shapes, vertical and horizontal lines. Keep it simple! Possibly add a little colour with crayons, pastels, watercolours.
Just play! – whilst we get some samples/ideas/demo together.
Centre members are welcome to join our Angell Art Group Facebook Group to see more examples, tips and share your pieces.
YOU WILL NEED SOME OF THESE THINGS: Paper, Charcoal, Crayons or pastels, Watercolours, Inks or Acrylics.
If you have a little box for equipment and a place for art – is becomes easier to dip in and out of it, rather than setting up and collecting everything each time. Enjoy being creative and we will keep you busy!!
Love Gabby and Judith