Fundraising Complaints
Complaints & Compliments
The Chilterns Neuro Centre is committed to best practice in fundraising and is registered with the Fundraising Regulator.
- Any genuine complaint will be taken seriously, investigated thoroughly and responded to without delay.
- Every genuine complaint will be handled by the Head of Fundraising.
- The Head of Fundraising shall be responsible for ensuring that full details of any complaint and the resolution thereof are fully recorded (and accompanied by any relevant correspondence or other material) and safely retained.
- A register of complaints including information on whether or not the complaint was upheld, the results of the investigation, the action taken and the resolution of the complaint is kept in the office.
- Procedures are put into place to enable issues raised by complaints to be learnt from in order to improve practice.
Complaints process
- If appropriate the member of staff receiving the complaint should attempt to resolve it immediately.
- If they are not the correct member of staff, they should direct the complainant to the relevant person.
- The Chilterns Neuro Centre will handle any complaint with honesty and endeavour to communicate well.
- If a mistake has been made, the situation will be appropriately acknowledged.
- The Chilterns Neuro Centre staff will remain polite and objective at all times, sticking to the facts of the case and gathering all relevant information.
- All information about the complaint will be summarised to confirm to the complainant that the complaint has been understood.
- The Chilterns Neuro Centre will aim to resolve complaints as quickly as possible.
- A designated member of the Fundraising team will be responsible for seeing the complaint through from start to finish.
- If the complaint is immediately resolved, a record using a complaint form will be made.
- A copy will be given to the complainant and the original kept by the Head of Fundraising at the Chilterns Neuro Centre and filed.
- Any complaints will be logged by the Head of Fundraising and an annual return will be made to the Fundraising Regulator.
- In the eventuality of no immediate resolution to the complaint, a copy of the ‘Fundraising Promise’ will be given to the complainant. Again, this will be recorded on the complaints form.
- The member of staff must inform their line manager of any complaint and the most appropriate person will start to investigate the complaint.
- The investigator will acknowledge the complaint in writing within four days of receipt of the complaint confirming that a full response will be made within 14 days of the complaint. The Centre’s Manager will be copied into the letter.
- The investigator will keep records on all pertinent discussions, recording it on the complaint form. This will be discussed with the Centre’s Manager before replying to the complainant.
- If the complaint is justified, the Chilterns Neuro Centre will write to the complainant to apologise and let them know that the complaint has been used to improve on the future fundraising activities and to prevent a similar issue.
- If the complaint is not justified, the Chilterns Neuro Centre will write to the complainant to explain that the complaint has been taken very seriously, but in this case the fundraising practices will not be changed, a reason will be given.
- The complainant will be advised of the outcome of the investigation within 30 days of receipt of the complaint. If the complainant is unhappy with the internal process they will be advised to take their complaint to the Fundraising Regulator.
- The complaint must be directed to the Fundraising Regulator within two months of the initial complaint logged.
- All complaints will be logged by the Head of Fundraising so that changes of practice can be implemented as necessary.
Chilterns Neuro Centre takes complaints very seriously and aims to respond promptly to any member of the public about the Centre’s fundraising.
Your support is hugely important to the Centre and we aim to have the highest of standards in the work that we do.
If you have had a pleasant fundraising experience and want to let us know about it, you are more than welcome! You will find all the information about how to do so on the Contact Us Page!