
Upcoming Events


Newly diagnosed with MS?

The Chilterns Neuro Centre, in collaboration with NHS Trusts across Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire, as well as the MS Society, will be running three workshops to support people with MS to live well, both physically and mentally. This is the first of three workshops with the others being held on Tuesday 16 April and Tuesday 23 April. The workshops...


Newly diagnosed with MS?

The Chilterns Neuro Centre, in collaboration with NHS Trusts across Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire, as well as the MS Society, will be running three workshops to support people with MS to live well, both physically and mentally. This is the first of three workshops with the others being held on Tuesday 16 April and Tuesday 30 April. The workshops...

Newly diagnosed with MS?

Newly diagnosed with MS?

The Chilterns Neuro Centre, in collaboration with NHS Trusts across Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire, as well as the MS Society, will be running three workshops to support people with MS to live well, both physically and mentally. This is the first of three workshops with the others being held on Tuesday 23 April and Tuesday 30 April. The workshops...


Carers’ Workshop: Safe Mobilisation/Aids For Independent Living

This workshop is being held as part of a series of free carers’ workshops hosted by the Chilterns Neuro Centre specifically for carers and family members. Further information about this particular session will be available in due course. Email Cathy Garner to book your place.

Carers’ Workshop: Complementary Therapies

Carers’ Workshop: Complementary Therapies

This workshop is being held as part of a series of free carers’ workshops hosted by the Chilterns Neuro Centre specifically for carers and family members. Further information about this particular session will be available in due course. Email Cathy Garner to book your place.


Carers’ Workshop: How to Have Healthy Relationships

This workshop is being held as part of a series of free carers’ workshops hosted by the Chilterns Neuro Centre specifically for carers and family members. Further information about this particular session will be available in due course. Email Cathy Garner to book your place.


Carers’ Workshop: Continence Care

This workshop is being held as part of a series of free carers’ workshops hosted by the Chilterns Neuro Centre specifically for carers and family members. Further information about this particular session will be available in due course. Email Cathy Garner to book your place.


Carers’ Workshop: Coping with Fatigue

This workshop is being held as part of a series of free carers’ workshops hosted by the Chilterns Neuro Centre specifically for carers and family members. Further information about this particular session will be available in due course. Email Cathy Garner to book your place.