
Occupational Therapy

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Occupational Therapy Quiz

Each of the images below contains a picture of a piece of occupational therapy equipment that people, especially those with neurological conditions, can use to help them with their daily tasks.

Five numbered polaroid photographs pinned to a notice board. Each photo contains a picyire of a piecve of occupational therapy equipment.

Do you know what the items are and how they can assist people?

The answers are below.

  1. Button hook and zip aid – The hook is ideal for buttons while the zip pull makes zipping or unzipping less of a chore and promotes independence.
  2. Bra angel – Helpful device for women who can only make use of one hand, or who struggle with fiddly bra straps, and who would prefer to put their bra on without assistance. Created by an occupational therapy professional the bra angel is very easy to use, it is placed over the user’s neck and holds one end of the strap ready and in place, so that the user can bring the other end round to fasten it very easily and with no fuss.
  3. Shoe remover – Helps you take off shoes without having to bend down. Just slip your heel into the U shape, and pull your heel up and out of the shoe.
  4. Sock aid – Helps you get dressed quickly and without bending to your feet. Simply insert the sock aid into a sock or stocking, place it on the floor, put your foot inside and pull up. The sock/stocking should slide on easily.
  5. Leg lifter – Useful for people who struggle to lift up their legs / feet. Could make it easier to get your feet into your trousers, as well as for other mobility difficulties like lifting your legs into / out of bed.

Did you get any right? Did you get all five? Do let us know how you did.


Occupational Therapy (OT) aims to enable and empower you to perform the day-today activities that matter most to you. It is an important and integral part of the support we offer for people with MS, and increases people’s independence and wellbeing in all aspects of life.

Our occupational therapist will consider all of your physical, psychological and social needs to maximise your potential to lead an active and fulfilling lifestyle. They work closely with you and, if appropriate your family and carers, to develop a clear understanding of your individual difficulties and priorities for treatment.

Depending on your situation, treatment sessions may include equipment advice, information about local resources/services, education on adaptive strategies, practical sessions, group work and social activities. We also offer tips and advice to help with everyday tasks online.


Occupational therapy can help to make everyday tasks more manageable, and help you to reach your goals. If you are having any difficulties in any of the following areas then OT will be beneficial to you:

Self-care activities –washing/dressing, eating, using the toilet, functional mobility (e.g. transferring from bed to chair) and driving.

Domestic/work activities –laundry, food preparation, money management, employment, caring for others, using a computer and DIY.

Leisure activities –continuing existing hobbies and activities, finding out about new activities and social groups.

Your ability to perform chosen activities would be discussed with consideration of any changes in your physical functioning, any changes in your thinking skills, plus your emotional/psychological wellbeing. At the start of any treatment programme, your rehabilitation goals will be agreed and sessions would then be geared to help you to achieve your goals using a range of approaches.


Requirement for Occupational Therapy will usually be identified in your initial and review assessments. Based on the referral our administration team will get in touch to offer an assessment appointment to identify your goals and treatment plan. Depending on your goals you may be offered a course of therapy or signposted to other related services.

If you feel you would benefit from our help and advice but have not had an assessment recently, or you have any questions regarding OT, please contact the Centre by emailing info@chilternsmscentre.org or by phoning 01296 696133.