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Evil Butler Strikes Again

Evil Butler Strikes Again

Another chance to enjoy the spoof created by actor Robert James-Collier, who plays butler Thomas in Downton Abbey. Look out for cameos from many of the cast members and please donate if you enjoy it!

Chilterns MS Centre wins at the MSNTC Awards

Chilterns MS Centre wins at the MSNTC Awards

We are delighted to have won the “Centre’s Centre” award at the recent MS National Therapy Centres conference. We were kindly nominated by the Merlin Therapy Centre in Cornwall for the advice and support given to them by Aaron Cox, our Business Manager when they were trying to get their hydrotherapy pool off the ground....

Golf Day on Par for Success

Golf Day on Par for Success

A fantastic day was had by all at the 2019 Stocks Golf Day on Friday 17 May.  14 teams teed off in aid of the Centre, braving the grey skies.  Thankfully the rain held off and everyone had fun. Pro golfer Kenny Stephenson shared some of his tips and also ran a “beat the pro”...