
New Members Coffee Morning

Chilterns Neuro Centre Oakwood Close, Wendover, United Kingdom

Come and meet other new members We invite all new members to attend a coffee morning at the Centre.  It's a great chance to meet other members, ask questions and get to know a bit more about what happens at the Centre. RSVP below or put your name down at Reception. For more information please...


Family & Carers’ Meet Up

Chilterns Neuro Centre Oakwood Close, Wendover, United Kingdom

Family & Carers' Meet-Up If you are a close relative or carer of someone living with MS, we know this can have a huge impact on your life too.  We hold regular open meet-ups so that you can spend some time talking to others in a similar situation, take a break and ask questions in...


Family and Carers’ Meet Up – March

Family & Carers' Meet-Up If you are a close relative or carer of someone living with MS, we know this can have a huge impact on your life too.  We hold regular open meet-ups so that you can spend some time talking to others in a similar situation, take a break and ask questions in...

Exploring the OMS Diet

Chilterns Neuro Centre Oakwood Close, Wendover, United Kingdom

Our next nutrition workshop will focus on the Overcoming MS Diet. We are told that “you are what you eat” and a good diet can positively impact your life. But does this plant-based OMS diet have a place in MS or is it just a healthy way to live? Come and find out more and...
